Лучшие ночные клубы москвы

Thematic cafes, bars and gay clubs in Moscow: addresses

This list includes the most visited and popular places.

  • Mono Bar – Pokrovsky blvd., 6/20.
  • “Propaganda”, China Town party every Sunday – Bolshoi Zlatoustinsky lane, 7.
  • Central Station – st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 19, bldg. 2.
  • Ice Club – Stoleshnikov per., 7, bldg. 2.
  • “Bar 911” – Glinischevsky lane, house 11.
  • “12 Volt” (12 Volt) – st. Tverskaya, 12, bldg. 2.
  • “Our Cafe” – Tverskaya st., 25/9.

There are not many gay establishments left in the Russian capital at the moment, but the existing ones are in demand among completely different categories of visitors. After all, the desire to have a good time, dance, meet and have fun in every possible way is characteristic of many people, and often regardless of their wealth, social status, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation and any other factors.

Legendary places

The first metropolitan institution for fans of gay club life with a gay orientation was the “Premiere”, which opened in 1994. A year later the Central Station gay club appeared. Moscow gradually became the center of the party life of all directions.

The thematic institution called “Chance”, which has repeatedly moved to other addresses and opened later as “Soul and Body”, and then “Nebesa”, belongs to the category of legendary ones. The club is currently closed.

Another of the oldest gay establishments was the Three Monkeys, which moved from place to place many times and, apparently, closed in 2014. A similar fate befell many of the capital’s gay places, only a few of the previous dozens of clubs remain afloat and bars that successfully operated in the 1990s and early 2000s.

However, not everything is so bad, and more often than not, the closure of an institution means that there is no longer a need for it. In the era of ubiquitous Internet penetration, metropolitan residents no longer use clubs to find a match. Most often, people get to know each other on websites, and then go to hang out in their favorite places, not necessarily of a narrow focus. In other words, orientation clubs over time are replaced by interest clubs: music, cuisine, style, etc.

Not only gay

In clubs for gay men, you can often find a company of gay girls having fun. But they come to such places not at all with the aim of meeting someone, but quite the opposite – to take a break from the annoying attention of “traditional” guys, just have fun and dance to their hearts’ content. Often young ladies gather there for hen parties.

In addition, the very atmosphere of a gay club, free, unconstrained and devoid of pathos, attracts people who are alien to conventions, regardless of their preferences. After all, here you can look whatever you want and not think too much about what impression you make.

Representatives of a non-standard orientation feel like fish in water here: no judgment or sidelong glances, which helps to fully relax and liberate themselves, enjoying noisy fun, relieving stress and forgetting about all the problems. For the same reasons, heterosexuals often go to such clubs. After all, the show program that can be seen on stage in thematic establishments is truly unique.

Cinema and reality

In the famous television series Queer as Folk (“Close friends”), you can see an entire neighborhood with recreational areas for gay people. Is there something similar in the Russian capital? There is no need to talk about the whole area, but gay clubs in Moscow exist in a fairly wide variety and open their doors in the evenings to their visitors.

However, in TV shows and films such establishments are rarely portrayed reliably, while real gay clubs are just funny and noisy places where people come to dance to energetic music, watch shows on stage, meet the same fans of unbridled fun, drink , relax and get rid of everyday problems. In general, gay clubs in Moscow are practically no different from other entertainment venues in the capital. The only difference is in the visitors, but there may be surprises here.

Unbridled holiday

The entertainment programs offered by the gay clubs in Moscow differ in scope and variety. For the entertainment of the public, male strip shows and incendiary contests are held on the stage. Almost every night, you can see bright and bold drag shows, as well as sparkling musical parodies of pop stars. From time to time, visitors can dance to the performances of real singers and singers, including Sergey Lazarev, Boris Moiseev, Eva Polna, Zhanna Aguzarova, Lolita, the Mirage group and many others.In general, musically, gay clubs in Moscow often offer time-tested disco hits by foreign and domestic performers. However, in elite establishments one cannot do without trendy club tracks performed by invited DJs.

Top five

Over time, out of several dozen “non-traditional” clubs and bars in the capital, no more than ten remained. Reviews allow us to highlight the top five places. This list includes not only individual large clubs, but also small gay bars and regular theme parties. This is due to the fact that there are almost no really large establishments of such a narrow focus.

So, the first place in the unofficial rating “The Best Gay Clubs in Moscow” goes to a small institution called “Mono Bar”, located on Pokrovsky Boulevard. At the moment, it is this place that visitors leave the most positive reviews on social networks.

In second place is the famous Central Station club, which changed its interior and location in 2014. Now it is located on Leninskaya Sloboda Street.

The third place goes to the gay China Town party, which takes place every Sunday at the Propaganda club.

The fourth place is occupied by the cozy “Our Cafe” on Tverskaya, open from evening to morning.

And the fifth place in the rating was taken by the 12 Volt cafe-club, also located on Tverskaya Street.

Now, in more detail about all the establishments chosen by visitors as the best themed bars and gay clubs in Moscow. Photo and video filming during parties is usually prohibited there.

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